The International Academy of Certified Disaster & Emergency Management, Criminology and Forensic Professional (IACDECFP-UK)
To strengthen capacity building, training and Certification of experts in Disaster & Emergency Management, Criminology and Forensics in the globe.
Building capacity at all levels for Certification in Disaster & Emergency Management, Criminology and Forensics and providing high-level practical investigative skill training.
"Quaerere veritatis in integritate est" (The search for the truth lies in integrity.)
The International Academy for Certified Disaster & Emergency, Criminology and Forensic Professionals (IACDECFP-UK) is an international Certification Academy founded in the quest for the demand of professional capacity development with practical technological innovation to serve as a platform for human resource development, training, research, documentation, and policy advocacy in the field of Disaster & Emergency Management, Criminology and Forensics.
The general view in most Continents is that many nations lack credible expertise in Disaster & Emergency Management, Criminology and Forensics Professionals and the use of the proper investigative analysis in solving crimes.
The International Academy of Certified Disaster & Emergency Management, Criminology and Forensic Professionals (IACDECFP-UK) is an international Certification Academy founded in the quest for the demand of professional competent based Certification with practical technological innovation to serve as a platform for human resource development, training, research, documentation, and policy advocacy.
The general view in the UK and beyond is that many nations lack credible Certified expertise in Disaster & Emergency Management, Criminology and Forensics. The use of proper forensic analysis in solving crimes is lacking with a lack of professional standardization.
IACDECFP-UK is therefore a unique international Academy with the needed experts to provide pragmatic solutions to the perceived inadequacy in Disaster & Emergency Management, Criminology & Forensic Professionals in the UK, and other Continents.
IACDECFP-UK is a registered international Certification and public research as well as capacity building Academy with headquarters in the UK, with training Centers in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria, and representations in the USA, Ghana, Congo, Sierra Leone, Liberia, India, Uganda, Cameroon etc.
It is manned by internationally certified experts in the field of Disaster & Emergency Management, Criminology and Forensics.
Its main partnership is with JJTC CONSULTING Limited and the International College of Disaster Management and Forensic Studies- (ICDMFS).